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    Vision and Values

    Our Vision

    At the heart of Thomas Fairchild Community School is the desire to see all children excel. Every child, regardless of their background, has the right to the best educational provision and support to achieve and succeed.

    We are determined to overcome barriers of discrimination and disadvantage where they impact on success and life chances. We want all our children to be successful, strive for the highest standards, and to recognise the importance of kindness and respect for others.

    We want to help children shine in our schools, to be great learners, and to have a positive attitude towards school life. We will endeavour to reflect the schools diversity and build recognition of differences in the spirit of tolerance and cooperation.

    In our vision, we commit to promoting equality, freedom and fairness, whilst challenging any social, sexual or racial discrimination with a zero-tolerance approach.

    Our Values



    Being thoughtful, generous, positive, and supportive in everything that we do. Actively caring for others through words and actions and being respectful to everyone that we meet. Being kind to our school, our community and the planet that cares for us. 


    Concentrating on all our tasks to achieve the highest possible standards. Understanding the connection between focus and making progress as individuals and as a group. Setting ourselves goals and remaining focused on the steps we need to take to achieve them.


    Being curious about the world, seeking new ways to be innovative in all aspects of the curriculum. Being creative when solving problems and asking thoughtful questions. Putting creative energy and effort into all areas of school life and demonstrating resilience when faced with a challenge.


    Taking a responsible attitude to school life, seeking to improve and achieve the highest standards, and working purposefully with others. Adopting responsible learning behaviours, taking the right decisions, and making the right choices. Understanding the importance of sustainability and tackling climate change and the role we play as responsible citizens in helping to solve the problems facing the world.


    Achieving more together by working as part of a team and understanding our roles and responsibilities. Sharing and doing our best to get along with different people. Taking a leading role and subordinate roles in different tasks. Building confidence and self respect through teamwork.