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    Meet The Team

    Eleanor Alford

    - Reception Class Teacher

    Victoria Archer

    - Early Years Educator

    Megan Bradbury

    - Teaching Assistant

    Kayleigh Euesden

    - Teaching Assistant



    PE Day: Friday



    Curriculum Leaflets

    Find out what we will be learning this term:

    Maker Mat:


    A list of the books we will be reading for pleasure and using to inspire our writing this year:

    'Reading is a priority across the school. From the very start of Reception Year, children learn the sounds that letters represent and how to decode
    words. Staff read to pupils across the whole school daily. Pupils are keen readers
    and enjoy their lessons in the library. Pupils practise reading often and take home
    books that match the sounds that they know.'

    Ofsted Report, September 2023