Parent View
At Thomas Fairchild Community School your views as parents/carers are paramount in our strive to achieve excellence in all areas of school life. Every year a questionnaire is sent to all parents and carers of children at the school to enable them to share their ideas of what we can do better.
The school leaders and governing board use the results of this annual survey to help continue to improve school performance. A summary of the results of each annual survey is provided in the schools newsletters and on the school website.
Parent View
Another way for you to give your views about the school at any time of the school year is to complete a short questionnaire at Parent View. Please view the Parent View website to view our most recent results.
This questionnaire (Parent View) has been set up by Ofsted to obtain the views of parents and carers about a school. The responses will be considered by Ofsted inspectors at the time of an inspection of a school. It also gives school leaders and the governing body valuable information about what you think of the school and highlights where improvements can be made.
To complete the questionnaire you need an email address to register. Once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please ask at the school office.